
Lifeline Baptist Church

"Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

As a church, we invite children of all ages to be a part of the growing, thriving ministry of our church. With spaces for newborns and toddlers in our nursery and classes for preschoolers and elementary school every Sunday morning. We welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our faith community. Your children have plenty of opportunities to get involved at [Church Name].

Lifeline Baptist ChurchSunday School

Our children's Sunday School classes are filled with fun and learning. There are three separate classes based on age. There are classes for ages 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12. There is a nursery available for infants to age 2. We teach age-appropriate Bible lessons in each class, using exciting activities and illustrations during each lesson.

Your child will be eager to be in class every Sunday morning at 10:00!

Lifeline Baptist ChurchChildren’s Church

Children are precious to the Lord. Every Sunday Morning during the eleven o’clock hour, the children ages 3-12 attend two age-appropriate classes filled with energetic singing, activities, and Bible lessons. [Church Name] goal is that children have a safe environment of fun and fellowship and are encouraged to learn and grow spiritually.

Lifeline Baptist ChurchMaster Clubs

The purpose of Master Clubs is to train, disciple, and provide opportunities for children to serve God now. Children are challenged every week to build Christ-like character through various activities, which godly role models lead.

Club leaders will inspire children to serve God and apply His Word to their hearts and lives. Our club leaders will open God's Word and give challenging Bible lessons that children can put to practice in their everyday lives.

Students can earn badges and awards by completing Bible-based activities and projects, memorizing Bible verses, and showing Christian character. They will also participate in periodic game nights, a combination of Bible games to reinforce lessons, and just for fun games to keep the kids excited and teach them Christian sportsmanship and friendly competition.

If your child is interested in Master Clubs, we recommend that you bring them by this Wednesday evening!

Lifeline Baptist ChurchChildren’s Choir

The Children's Choir ranges in age from four years old to 12 years old. Children at [Church Name] can be a part of the children's choir that sings once a month on Sunday nights. The practice for this choir is on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. If your child is interested, all they need to do is come for the practice.

Lifeline Baptist ChurchNursery

Our nursery is for children from infancy through age 2. Our experienced nursery workers aim for your child to be safe and happy. We use a visual pager system so that our nursery workers quickly alert you if your child needs you. When you check your child into the nursery, we will give you a number that will appear on a small screen at the front of our sanctuary. If your child seems upset when you drop him off, please give us a few moments to comfort them and interest them in the nursery activities. With the pager system, you can leave your child and find a seat in the sanctuary; if your child continues to be unhappy, we will page you.

Our nursery workers will lovingly care for your child as you would at home. We have fun, safe, and clean toys that are age appropriate. We also have cribs for your infant. Our nursery workers will follow your instructions, keeping your child comfortable and happy.


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers." 1 Timothy 4:12

[Church Name] student ministry is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith, their character, and their relationships. It’s about creating an atmosphere that is Christ-focused where they can belong. We encourage our youth to be involved in everything we do, from inviting, participating in activities, and serving.

Lifeline Baptist Church

Lifeline Baptist ChurchAre you a junior high or high school student?

The Youth Ministry seeks to help teens grow physically, spiritually, and in social interaction with others. We teach our teens to discern right and wrong and to look to the Bible as their final authority. We teach biblical principles and how to apply them to their daily lives. We provide many events for them throughout the year to help them learn how to relate to their peers and enjoy living in a safe and godly environment. We believe that teens should be actively involved in the ministries of the church.

Teen Sunday School

Our teens meet every Sunday morning at 10:00. The teachers and students enjoy great discussion and interaction during class. Our teachers are always available to teens that need guidance or have questions.

Teen Choir

Our Teen Choir is available to any teenager who becomes a member of [Church Name]. Practices occur at 4:30 pm on Sunday, and the teen choir sings on Sunday mornings once a month. On occasions, the teen choir will also collaborate with the adult choir.


Lifeline Baptist Church

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20

Our adult ministry centers on gathering as a community around the Word of God and living lives modeled after Christ. The goal of all adult ministries at Lifeline is to help challenge participants to live out their faith while impacting others with the power and truth of the Gospel.

Spanish Ladies Class: This class is for Spanish-only or bi-lingual ladies. [Teacher's Name] teaches this class. This class currently meets in the parsonage.

Senior Saints Class: This class is for any Senior Citizen. [Teacher's Name] teaches this class.

Ladies Class: This class is for our younger ladies and moms. [Teacher's Name] teaches this class and meets in the parsonage.

Auditorium Class: This class is for all others. [Teacher's Name] teaches it in the main sanctuary.

Music is vital to our worship at [Church Name]. Our music is traditional and conservative. We love to sing the time-honored hymns of the faith. You can join our music ministry through the choir and orchestra.

The Adult Choir provides God-honoring, soul-stirring music in the Sunday morning worship service. Choir practice is held on Sunday evenings from 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm in the sanctuary of [Church Name]. If you are a member of [Church Name] and are interested in joining the Adult Choir, please get in touch with the choir director, [Choir Director's Name].

Whether you are a new attendee or a long-time member, the Ladies Fellowship Ministry is a great way to meet other ladies at [Church Name] and build lasting friendships. There are two major fellowships each year: the Ladies Pool Party / Steakout in August and the Ladies Tabletop Fellowship in the fall. Other fellowships are scheduled throughout the calendar year to allow ladies to break away from their busy schedules to interact and fellowship with other Christian ladies. If you want to attend a fellowship meeting, sign up when it is announced or contact [Name].

The men of [Church Name] have a couple of fellowships a year. In the spring, we have a men’s breakfast. In the summer, we have the Men’s Pool Party / Steakout. If you want to join us for these fellowships, sign up when the event is announced.

[Church Name] has several church-wide fellowships each year. In February, we have our Chili Cook-off and our Valentine’s Banquet. In the spring, we have our Men’s Cake Challenge. We have Friend Day and our 4th of July cookout in the summer. During the Christmas Season, we have our church-wide Yankee Swap.

On Saturday Evenings at 6:00 pm, several people meet at the church to pray for our church, church family, and the services the following day.

[Church Name] currently holds services at four different nursing homes. The services are at different times. This ministry provides opportunities for men in the church to give Bible messages. It is also an opportunity for young people and families to minister in song.

[Church Name] currently holds services twice weekly at the Federal Medical Correctional facility.


Lifeline Baptist Church

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Matthew 28:19

[Church Name] is a missions hearted church with a desire to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ in our generation. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been given by our church through faith promise missions giving. This enables us to support over XX missionaries serving in various parts of the world.


10:00 AM – Sunday School (Children and Adult)
11:00 AM – Sunday Morning Worship Service
6:00 PM – Sunday Evening Worship Service

7:00 PM – Evening Worship Service
7:00 PM – Master Clubs


info@[Domain Name]
[City / Town], [State] [Zip Code]


At [Church Name], one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s Word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share with a friend. Enjoy!

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