Visiting a church can be intimidating
But when it comes to [Church Name], you can relax…

We’re not perfect.

That’s probably why we make such a close family, because we’re all a work in progress and seek to grow in grace. We’re not evaluating you—when you walk in, we’re glad to see you! Don’t worry about having to measure up or fit in. Our church family is diverse, so fitting in isn’t an issue. Come as you are and let God do the changing!

We’re not about “religion”.

Honestly, religion has let a lot of people down. Religious structures and systems are confusing, complicated, and disconnected from real life. We would love to help you move from “religion” into an authentic relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you’re new to it all, that’s ok, we would love to show you where to start!

We focus on truth.

There are a lot of things you could talk about when people get together. At [Church Name], we’re committed to sharing the life-changing truth of God’s Word. You won’t hear sermons about politics or personal opinions. In every service the Bible is opened and clearly proclaimed, because it is undeniably true and perfectly relevant to every life.

We’re normal people.

Church people often come off as clique-ish, artificial and argumentative. That’s not who we are. [Church Name] is known as a friendly, caring church. We’re like you—working hard, desiring healthy relationships, looking for encouragement and glad to have friends who share our values and faith in Jesus Christ.

Lifeline Baptist Church

Lifeline Baptist Church

Lifeline Baptist Church

Lifeline Baptist Church


Your experience with us will be encouraging and enjoyable

First, expect a friendly, grace-filled environment.

Our family is warm and welcoming. We want to help you experience God so HE can work in your life.

Expect some help along the way.

Greeters will welcome you with some information about the services and help you find classes and nurseries, as well as some new friends!

Expect to find a place where you fit.

Nurseries, children’s classes, and adult Bible classes are all well-planned and prepared so that your Sunday is a well-invested time of personal growth.

Expect meaningful worship.

Our services are exciting and uplifting, with great music. However, our goal is not to entertain, but to encourage you to join us in lifting up our Savior while being encouraged in the process.

Expect a practical Bible message.

Our pastor will preach a message that is both practical and profound. Whether a single-service topic or part of an ongoing series, you will hear a powerful sermon that applies God’s wisdom to real-life situations. The Bible has the answers you’ve been looking for, and it’s essential for your journey through life.

Expect to be impacted for the better.

Our goal is simple—to love and encourage you. Whatever you’re facing, wherever you come from, whatever decisions you are up against—the Word of God is so powerful and can make all the difference in your life.

Expect to connect and grow personally.

Every week we welcome guests from all parts of [City / Town] and [State]. Many of these folks are simply worn down from the struggles of life and are sincerely looking for real, spiritual solutions. We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the true answer for the longing of every human soul.

Church for the skeptic or the saint.

Whether you believe in Jesus or not, have an open mind and come hear his message from a clear and practical perspective. Investigate who Jesus really is and discover what most religions never tell you about the Bible.


10:00 AM – Sunday School (Children and Adult)
11:00 AM – Sunday Morning Worship Service
6:00 PM – Sunday Evening Worship Service

7:00 PM – Evening Worship Service
7:00 PM – Master Clubs


info@[Domain Name]
[City / Town], [State] [Zip Code]


At [Church Name], one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s Word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share with a friend. Enjoy!

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